Wild Restoration is a non-profit focused on alien clearing, rewilding, biodiversity restoration, and creating opportunities for people to reconnect with nature. We work in the mountains and other natural areas surrounding Greyton, using volunteers and a paid team from local community. You can get involved in many ways:
- Join one of our hacks – the first Sunday morning of every month (jointly with Greyton Conservation Society), mountain chainsaw hacks or tree-popping and planting in the Sandpit. Click here to join our volunteer team and get info on upcoming hacks and events.
- Participate in one of our other events – helihacks, full moon trail runs, and rewilding workshops.
- Buy a cap/hat – these can be found at Pure Café. Each hat purchased will fund the clearing of more than 50 alien invasive trees by our local crew.
- Buy wood chips – click here to order.
If you are interested in donating, crowdfunding or sponsorship, please get in touch. As we are Public Benefit Organisation, any donations from South African taxpayers are tax deductible.